Saturday, September 22, 2007

Language proficiency

The ICAO 36th triennial Assembly is meeting this week. In today's technical commission IAOPA and FAI presented its joint paper to ask for lower language proficiency standards for VFR pilots.

That request was refused by a vote of 15 for and 23 against. Only 38 States voted out of a possible 192. Most of the countries voting against the proposal appeared to be countries which do not have any VFR General Aviation operations going on in the first place. Among the countries voting against the resolution were Sudan, Samoa, Viet Nam.

It turns out that in this case rules were made for about 1 million licence holders, decided by a majority of 8 States, many of whom may not even really know how VFR flights are conducted.

One has to wonder why 150 States did not bother to express their views on the matter.

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